by Kristen Mimlitz
I love lists. Those who know me and understand the doshas will not be surprised to hear I am mostly pitta- task oriented, goal driven. Lists are my way of life. Every summer I create a “Summer List” of all the tasks I need to get done that I haven't had the time or energy to do over the course of the school year. You know- clean closets, connect with friends, read more, etc.
But this year’s list is a little different. Rest is at the top. Rest. Now is the time to recover and reconnect.
Pause. Breathe. Rest.
It’s my Summer Intention.
Our practice of yoga prepares us for this. It gives us tools to find respite from the world for a bit. Our time on the mat is precious and sacred. Our mat is our magic carpet that can take us anywhere we want to go. It’s where we practice patience, kindness, and compassion for ourselves so that we can then practice it on others off the mat. Return and take time for yourself on your mat this summer. Know the enjoyment of then taking your yoga off the mat and into the world, making it a better place, one kind act at a time.
Pause. Breathe. Rest.
From the wise words of our CEO Molly: “The pause (your practice) plus mindfulness equals your brain health. Take good care of YOU!” Only you know what rest looks like and feels like for you. It might be consistent sleep, quiet time, or doing more of the things that make your soul sing. When we rest and take time to take care of ourselves, we can better connect with others.
As the summer strolls on by, I will still gleefully check off the items on my list. You can bet the closets will be cleaned, the time with friends will be treasured, and the books will be devoured. Simply put, the most important thing this summer? Rest. It’s my Summer Intention.
Please share how you will be taking advantage of rest this summer too. We love hearing from our community!