Written by Molly Schreiber, Founder and CEO of Challenge to Change

Connection is key!
This article comes from the real-life story of Challenge to Change Founder and CEO, Molly Schreiber, who is currently navigating a cancer journey. This is a piece of her story.**
Life can sometimes throw the biggest curveballs. Sometimes we are ready for them, other times we are not.
Life threw me a giant PINK curveball I wasn’t ready for.
My friends, I have been chosen to walk the walk of a breast cancer survivor.
After a routine mammogram, biopsy and a team of Eastern and Western medical advice, I decided to undergo surgery on November 17, 2022 and follow the plan of my care providers.
I am so grateful this was caught so early and appears to be a completely contained cancer and one to be navigated with surgery, radiation and years of monitoring.
Recently, Tom and I met with my oncologist, Dr. Herman, and, in front of my husband, Tom, I may or may not have told him that I loved him.
Seriously, the man listened to me and honored ALL of my desires and answered all my alternative approach questions with care and such compassion.
However, I should have known it would be a love fest when Tom and I walked into the waiting room and he spotted a picture of Dr. Lolly.
Dr. Lolly was the man who took care of Tom’s dad until the end of his cancer journey over forty years ago. He was the hero and mentor who made Tom want to become a doctor.
For me, this cancer detour has been all about connections and compassion, so I welcome the love fests and the signs.

As I navigate this journey, I called upon some of my greatest friends and teachers to listen, talk and just be with me. No one has ever questioned my desire for surgery, for healing time or a time of pause.
This assures me I have the right people in my life. Thank you to my people- you know who you are- especially Blu and Mila.
So today began the second part of my cancer journey and I want to share my next steps with everyone as I navigate the holidays, Christmas break and the new year.
I am going to take a little more time to heal before I begin radiation. I have been working hard on a Keto and gluten-free lifestyle change to bring down the massive amounts of inflammation in my physical body.
When this cancer made a home in my body it was telling me something and I finally listened.
I am also very excited about the work I am doing with @thehealthypractitioner and her clinic to navigate my inner healing so my physical body is optimal for radiation and hormone therapy in the new year.

💖My furry support team
Thank you to everyone for their kind words, meals, texts and care showed to my kids as our family continues to work through this unknown terrain.
As I began this monumental day, I saw rainbows in my morning meditation, so I wore my rainbow earrings given to me by my dear friend @beckyuthe on our last day in Mexico.
We all have storms in our lives and we all know when the storm clears and the sun comes out, a rainbow appears. A rainbow is a promise from God, from the universe, that a new way is set forth.
Thank you for being on this newly routed journey with me. Thank you for your compassion and connections. I know this journey will be a tough one, but I am ready to face it with NO FEAR, a lot of science and a lot of “woo”.
Cancer, you picked the wrong girl to engage with and the right girl to send a message through with a loud voice.
Girls: get your headlights checked. It just may save your life
I see you and I honor you, friends.
Molly Schreiber